Talent Aquisition Technology

Recruiting Millennials 
Unilever Goes Digital to Transform Its
Graduate Hiring Program


Unilever is a global player in the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector, with nearly a third of the world’s population using its products every day. The company has more than 169,000 employees working around the world, and its leaders estimate that within three years, as many as 60 percent of those employees will be Millennials. Critical to Unilever’s ongoing success will be its ability to attract these recent college graduates.

For its signature Future Leaders Programme, the company wanted its recruitment efforts to get ahead of the curve. The existing process was rooted in paper-based applications, phone interviews with recruiters, and manual assessment tests. It took four to six months to sift through 250,000 applications and ultimately hire 800 individuals. The company sought to radically transform this process using online gamification, digitally recorded interviews, and science-based assessment tests and data analysis

This Case Study;
  • Explain the challenges facing Unilever in recruiting Millennials
  • Describe the company’s legacy graduate recruiting process
  • Reveal how the company digitally transformed the way it hires recent graduates
  • Demonstrate how Unilever was able to adopt cutting-edge technology while dramatically
    reducing costs and time to hir

Besin by Deloitte


randolljames said…
It is a good approach Unilever has used in order to analyze and hire applicants through a pool of 250,000 applicants. Understanding that the current generation being millenials and changing their approach to address that situation is a wise move.
Neoshine said…
This new approach will mark a turning point in recruitment process of all multi national/global organizations. At the same time, I too believe this new approach is more appealing to the millennials due to the digitalization of the traditional methods.Once the platform is set the new process should be cost effective for both parties as well.
Supun said…
This is a very good concept for a large scale multinational organization like Unilever as they going to hire 800 of individuals out of 250000 applicants. But in our work context we have to struggle and wait for months of time to hire a one suitable candidate to fill a vacancy exist in ore organizations.
Insightful Article!!

It is very true that the traditional approaches should now be left behind and new technologies and state of the art should be adapted by organizations, in order to survive. This is a good example of innovative thinking. This method is beneficial and cost effective for the organization as well as the employee.