Employee Relations

People are the most important resource of an organisation. Employees cannot perform organisational tasks alone. Therefore, relationship among other employees and employers are key to smooth function of the business organisation.

Employee relations is the efforts to manage effective relationship between the employers and employees.

Maintaining good employee relationship is an activity of human resource strategy. This also addresses employee benefits, their pay, support work life balance and creating safe place to work.
Considering the employees as stakeholders of the business and not just paid employees makes them feel they are more valued on their job. Their positive contribution towards the organisational goal will be instrumental in gaining competitive advantage.

The degree of relationship could be measured with the employee engagement with the organisation and their job satisfaction.

Well managed organizations have policies for employee relations with procedure and rules. Some organizations have employee relationship officers and councilors to resolve employee concerns and work place problems.  

Prevalence of high degree of  relationship between employer and employee will lead to optimum performance by the employees leading achieve organisational goals effectively and become successful business organisation.


Employee relations are a core of an organization. It is essential for employers to understand employee expectations, maintain a clear employment relations policy, good and confidential grievance handling and negotiation handling processes, providing room for employee voice, facilitating employee engagement etc. would assist in building a strong employee relationship with the organization.
Unknown said…
A strong relationship with employees is very much important to create the foundation of a business strong and productive. The better relationship employees have with the management, the better over all work environment for all.
What do you think is the best strategy to enhance a strong relationship among the employees and the management?